Hello, it's me, I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to...STILL READ MY BLOG! Hey readers, guess who's back?!? Yes, after a reeally long break from not blogging, I have finally decided to start blogging again because I have neglected this blog for way too long. For a long time now, I really didn't have the motivation to blog because I felt like it was somewhat becoming more of a chore than something I enjoyed doing. I think one of the major reasons for this was because I just got caught up in other things and things were just getting a bit too much for me to handle. Anyway, enough of all that, what's important is that I'm back baby! And this time for good. I know I always say this, but this time I really do have the motivation to start blogging again. And why is that you may ask? Well if you follow my instagram (@trulyvonne) you would've seen that for the last month and a half, I was travelling halfway around the world to many, many different places. And one of the places happen to be Heaven for all you make up junkies out there. Yes I am talking about the good ol' United States of America. Let me just some it up briefly for you all, I did some serious damage to my bank account and pretty much half the money I brought along with me was spent on make up. So with all this new make up I've bought now, I will definitely be experimenting with some new tricks and techniques. Now since I don't want to be selfish over here, I am of course going to be sharing with you guys all of this. Okay so before I'm actually going to share with you all the new gadgets that I've got, I thought it'd be a good idea to share with you all where I went and what I had been up to...and to see what I was doing while I was gone away from this blog for so long. So please, take a seat back and enjoy!
My first stop of the trip was America, the land of make up, well to me of course. The purpose of heading there was to visit my mum's side of the family. I was mainly in San Francisco as we were only staying there for two weeks and so there wasn't enough time to travel to other destinations, such as Los Angeles, New York and you get the jist. Oh well, I wasn't too bothered with it as it was my third time having gone to America already. And having family over there, I knew it wasn't going to be my last trip to the place.
So a few days into America, we also made a quick journey to Cancun, Mexico. Now at first I wasn't looking forward to going to Mexico. However once I got there, the place just took my breath away, especially the resort that we were staying in! The pools at our resort were gorgeous and not to mention the beach that was just right next to us. I had never seen such a beautiful beach in my life before it was just...I'll let you see for yourself.
Our next stop was Hong Kong! So Hong Kong was basically the first destination to start us off with our Asia section of the trip. Now the Asia part of the trip was crazy, not only because we were going to so many locations, but because we had 20 people travelling along with us! And no, we were not part of a tour. These 20 people consisted of family and close family friends. And let me tell you, it was not easy travelling with that many people, although I did have some fun. Anyway, here are some photos of my time in Hong Kong!
Next stop...Thailand! This was probably one of the destinations I was most excited about since I had never been there and I was really excited to go paraskiing on water, oh and I wanted to get a tan aswell. Unfortunately, I was unable to go paraskiing...or get a tan. But I still had a lot of fun in Thailand!
Now, I'm going to be honest here I wasn't really looking forward to Cambodia as I thought it'd be really dirty and I didn't think there was going to be much to do there. And to say the least, my expections were met. It was rather dirty and not to mention smelly, and besides checking out the Angkor Temples, we didn't really do that much there. Oh, and it was stinking hot over there and the air con on the bus did nothing!
Although this was my third time going to Vietnam, I was actually pretty excited to go, mainly for the food though since Vietnamese cuisine is my favourite! And it's always nice to visit my parent's hometown and get a glimpse of where and how they grew up. Unfortunately, I didn't take any food photos while in Vietnam because I was too afraid to have my phone stolen, so I barely took it out with me.
So this was our last destination of our trip and by the time we had reached this point I just got over it. I was so tired, I was homesick and all I wanted to do was just lay in my own bed, and not just any bed, but my own comfy bed at home. The weather was also terrible as it was pretty much raining every single day. However despite that, I still enjoyed myself a bit while in China.
And that was what I had been up to for the last month and a half! Although it wasn't easy travelling to so many places with a huge bunch of people, I really am grateful to be given the opportunity to travel so much and be able to experience different cultures. Everytime I go to Asia, it always makes me realise that damn, I am so lucky to be living in Australia. I mean I'm not super rich or anything, but comparing myself to those living in poverty and seeing the living conditions in my own eyes, I couldn't ask for more. What's even crazier is to think that my parents used to live like that and if they never immigrated to Australia, I would've been like those kids in Vietnam, potentially living in some of the worst conditions. So the next time my parents start lecturing me on how hard it was to live in Vietnam back in the days, I really am going to appreciate that a bit more.Well actually...we'll see.
Okay anyway, enough of all that serious talk! So I hope you enjoyed my first post after my long hiatus. Apologies for those who thought it was going to be a beauty or fashion related blog, but I promise you you'll be seeing more of that soon. Especially with all the new make up I bought which I cannot wait to show on here!
Stay tuned to see more updates on my blog!
xx Trulyvonne
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