Guess who's back?! Yes, I know, it's been awhile and I have neglected this blog for so long I even forgot what font I used! But don't worry, my exams are finally over, I survived my first year of uni and now I have all the time in my hands. No more stressing over assignments or anything for the next three months. Honestly, I can't believe I was studying for three weeks straight, I was literally living at uni during that period. I can't imagine all the stress it must've caused for my skin as well, because you all know what stress can do to your skin right? Not good things, I tell you. Especially for me, when I stress, I break out a lot easier. So it's really important for me to keep up with my skincare routine or sometimes do something extra to it. This leads to today's post, in which I'll be giving you some advice to maintain good skincare during this stressful period of exams.
First of all, I cannot stress enough on how important it is to cleanse your face during this stressful time. In fact, no matter what sort of time it is, cleansing your face should always be a priority. One of the main causes for breakouts is not having a clean face. And because your skin is extra prone to breaking out during exam period, you don't want your skin to be breaking out even more because of not cleansing your face properly. I've recently been using the LUSH Ultrabland Facial Cleanser and boy do I love this stuff! It's a very different cleanser than the ones I usually use in terms of the fact that you use a cotton pad with toner to wipe the cleanser off your skin, rather than washing it off with water. And although it has quite a thick consistency, it's quite gentle on the skin yet at the same time really does a good job with getting rid of all the dirt off your face.
In addition to cleansing your skin, it's also crucial to keep your skin hydrated. And what better way to do so than using sheet masks? Now you all know how I love my sheet masks and tend use them once a week? Okay well during exam period, I used them about twice a week instead since my skin needed extra love. Of course, I used my trusty My Beauty Diary sheet masks which I'm sure you've heard me mention about it a couple of times on here.
Another thing you could do to keep your skin clean is to use facial cleansing wipes. Now, of course, if you are wearing make up during the day then I obviously would not recommend to use them then, unless you want to remove all your make up. I tend to use these before I hop into the shower or after in order to remove any excess dirt.
Besides breaking out, you know what else many people out there are prone to getting from study period? Eye bags! Now let's be honest here, we all know that you really are meant to get a lot of sleep during this period, but instead we are up studying till who knows what time...well, some of us. Now fortunately for me, I don't really get eye bags, but for those who get them easily, then I would recommend using an eye mask to hydrate your under eyes.
Last but not least, keep your body hydrated! Drink plenty of water and don't keep yourself from being dehydrated. I know that whenever I'm feeling exhausted or my head is hurting, I just take a sip of water and I feel rejuvenated again.
So anyway, although most of you out there have already finished exams, I hope that this helps you in some ways for your next exam period! Follow these simple tips and I guarantee that you'll be smashing those exams! Well not really, but your skin will sure love you for it! Again, I sincerely apologise for my disappearance! But now that I'm finally free from uni and have all the time on my hands, expect to see more updates here!
Stay tuned to see more updates on my blog!
xx Trulyvonne
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